Wednesday, 18 September 2013


 "The titles and opening for a fiction film,most be no more than two minutes."
post production (editing)

How can genre aid you in relation to your brief?
my brief is to create titles for a fiction film that lasts no longer than 2 minutes.  genre can help me to get a better picture of my plan by disiding what genre it will be: 
comedy, etc.
this will help me to get a good structure as they all have a unique characters, props, and mise-en-scene.
i can then start to think of a structure for my titles including detailed descriptions of my characters, locations, and story thinking about the type of dialouge that can be used for my film.  i can analyse other films of the same genre to understand the structure and dialouge of charcters better.
Genre can aid me find my target audience and there intrests  to draw them into viewing my short film.
Genre can also help me deside on the events and the conclusions that my target viewers of genre will be wanting to find out so they are left wanting to find out more on a cliff hanger and watch the full movie after being drawn in by the titles.

1 comment:

  1. Prentice where are your blog posts? You are extremely behind! I would look at audio and video entries to catch up.
